Beautiful sights

Beautiful sights
Horses at blue water Lake state park

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Power did it!

Yesterday we made a trip to Yuma for an emergency trip to a greyhound specialist vet.  
Power is running to the vet!

Power had been having his urinary problems again, and yesterday it came to a head, and his urine exploded all over the floor of the motorhome.  I thank God that I don't have carpet!  I've had him to several vets over the last 6 months for this same ailment and they didn't figure it out, so when I found out that Susanne Stack DVM is in Yuma, I went there.  She got my vet records from the previous vets and did a few other tests in her office and said that he has a condition called "tied up" in the canine world, in which the males sometimes develop a muscle spasm that prohibits them urinating freely.  The muscle spasm is intermittent (as is Powers) and is best treated by a muscle relaxant which is not available commercially due to there not being enough call for it.  So she has to have it made specially for each dog at a compounding pharmacy in Phoenix and then mailed to the client.

He would stand like this for a long time and never get his bladder empty!

I'm looking forward to getting the capsules and them having him be healthy again!


  1. Sure hope it works for Power, interesting... our little dog sometimes does the same thing.

    1. Maura, I hope your baby is not suffering with a bladder that won't empty!

  2. Polly and I are sending Power positive healing thoughts and hugs (((Power))). I have heard of that condition, but never come across any dog who had it. At least it's not crystals forming, which would have been a very different story for him. Hope the meds arrive soon and they work for him.

    1. Dear Sue and Polly, thanks for your sympathy and I'll keep in touch as to how the drugs are working!

  3. Glad that you have an answer now. I hope the meds work. :-)

    1. Thanks Patty. I'll keep in touch as to the results!

  4. I'll bet Power will be happy to have this condition fixed, too. You can imagine how he feels knowing he's not making you happy, and he can't help it. AND also having to empty his bladder and not being able to do it. A double whammy for him. And such a pain for you - for so long. I'm so sorry he had an accident in the motor home - hopefully that won't happen again with the meds.

    One by one, issues are being solved - that's such a good thing!

    1. You're right Barbara! I and Power will both be very happy if this works!

  5. So glad you got an answer to what is going on with him. Can't imagine how uncomfortable he is. Also hoping it doesn't lead to UTI's.

    1. I agree and will keep everyone apprised of his progress.

  6. Hope the meds help. Poor baby, that must have felt awful.


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