Beautiful sights

Beautiful sights
Horses at blue water Lake state park

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Extended throne

I recently turned the front passenger seat 90 degrees so that it acts as an extension to the sofa, so that QUEEN FLEUR won't have to tolerate the minions touching her while she is reclining on her throne.

Since a princess is sensitive to a "pea" under multiple mattresses (as in "The Princess and the pea"), Fleur, as a Queen, is even more sensitive.  She doesn't want any one touching her unless it's her idea!


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Patty, I have a chair opposite the sofa! Fleur would like to command it for herself as well!

  2. Frankly Polly and I are appalled that the cats house is on the seat. Doesn't your slave know the seats should be for you and Power if necessary, but cats belong on the floor.:) LOL

    1. In our house, the cat is Power's love kitty, so she gets special treatment!

  3. Fleur, I completely support you in this! Royalty should not be touched by minions unless she has decreed it so!


  4. Cali wishes everyone would abide by this rule. But often we find someone laying on her while she stares at us with disdain.

    1. I am amazed that Calli is staring at YOU with disdain instead of just growling at the interloper!

  5. That's a great idea! With two "long" dogs lounging on the sofa, the extra space is genius.

  6. OH, the life your pups have! LOL


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