Beautiful sights

Beautiful sights
Horses at blue water Lake state park

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Reverse gear

Most all my dogs have been zig-zaggers.  They almost never go in a straight line, and absolutely never mind walking right across my path of travel, often causing near-falls !  Even when I shorten the leash so they cannot go in front of me, they bump into my knees in their efforts to cross in front of me.

However, there is a trait that is very new to me, and I find it most amusing.  I call it Greyhound Reverse Gear, or GRG.  Power is a genius dog in the GRG department.  Any time he wants to go to a place he's already been, he stops, puts his transmission into reverse gear, and backs in a perfectly straight line!  He does not turn his head to see where he is going, he has no steering wheel to keep him lined up in a straight line .  Many times there are objects in his way, but that is no deterent.  He just steps over them, going in reverse!

Shifting his transmission into reverse!

All other of my dogs would have to turn their heads and necks, then make a 180 turn so that they would be walking forward, and could see where they are going.  Somehow, Power has been blessed with a different way of  thinking about what's behind him.

I don't need a rear view mirror!


  1. You are going to have to get a camcorder, so we can see him doing it:)

    Beautiful lad.

  2. Sounds like he would make a good dancing partner. Have you seen dogs that dance in competition with their people? I have heard it is hard for most dogs to walk backwards and that is necessary in dance.

  3. I can just hear the beep, beep, beep as he's backing up :)

  4. Thats funny. All mine have had the reverse gear. I didnt realize that some come without it.

    1. I never saw one walk backwards until I saw Power do it!

  5. Most of our Greyhounds have been great in reverse, but Bunny is the one who amuses me. Early on, she got bumped in the kitchen and became another victim of the "scary floor." Somehow, she became convinced that she could only leave the kitchen and enter the living room by going in reverse. She will even walk forward most of the way, but then she stops at a certain point and backs straight up! Maybe it's in the bloodline...

  6. Ari can back up for short distances but not as skillfully as it sounds Power is.

    1. Ari is a very talented dog, it sounds like!

  7. Power, you are a silly hound! Mine all back up slightly to turn around but nothing like what Power does.

  8. I'd love to see that on video as well :) Asher has a very good reverse gear. It's about the only thing he came with from 6 months in his first home! It is funny to see in action!


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