Beautiful sights

Beautiful sights
Horses at blue water Lake state park

Thursday, November 20, 2014

The opera singer

My lovely Hera is a mezzo-soprano!  After about one month of such ideal behavior, she apparently decided that she could let "the good times roll" as they say in New Orleans.  She began to warm up her "pipes" with brief bursts of one note rooing.  I thought that this was very strange, since none of my previous greyhounds had Rooed.

Her second act consisted of two note warbling and it was louder than the first.

However the third act (about 1 week ago, came just after I went to bed, and began with one note, then two note, then an operatic aria!  I thought that if I ignored this display that she would stop, but after two hours she was still going full speed, so I got out of bed and entered the living room.  I decided to put on her jammies to see if that would help, and also put Power's jammies on him. He was standing on the sofa saying to me that his eardrums were shattered by the opera star.  He looked very bleary eyed!  After that, Hera settled down a large amount and we got rest for the last part of the night hours.

Hera hanging herself over the edge of the sofa and singing opera!

Each night after that, she began the same process, but I began to scold her for Rooing at bedtime.  After about the third scold she began to settle down.
Each night her behavior settled down somewhat, and is now much more normal.

However, she still warbles when ever she wants something during daylight hours.

If she sees another dog outside the motorhome, she starts singing again and it's a loud voice.  I guess she is showing enthusiasm for the other dogs!


  1. You certainly use terms I've never heard of before like Rooing. There was another one a couple of months ago, but I can't remember what it was now.

    1. I first heard the "rooing" term when reading blogs about sighthounds, since the dogs seldom bark, and make other sounds.

  2. Sounds like the terrible twos:) LOL Both song and then Polly after a few months seemed to do things to test what my response would be. Luckily they seemed to get out of that phase fairly quickly. Rooing is fine but not if she won't stop it when you want her to. You could try 'Quiet' and if she is give her a treat. Don't give a treat every time, otherwise she'll think if she roos you'll give her a treat.

    Hope you all have a quiet night tonight:) Sue & Polly

  3. Sometimes a girl just has to get in touch with her inner wolf! Haw was a rooer, and he used to lead us all in song, but after he died, we quit singing. Mom was a little disappointed. Flattery will roo, but someone else has to start things.


    1. Well, Bunny, I think that you should start the party so you can get the rooing going!

  4. I just love the surprises that rescues bring to our lives when they start feeling at home. :))

  5. Ah rooing. Was at a gathering in Mass. a bunch of years ago in a racetrack clubhouse. About 500 hounds were in attendance. Someone (a human) started a roo. All 500 greys joined in. It was deafening, went on for about 10 minutes. So, Hazel, you ain't heard nothin' yet.
    PS - Did you get our package before you left Bluewater? If not, check with them. There should be something there for you. We're getting ready to leave Amarillo and head south and west for a little R and R.

  6. So "rooing" is a thing with greyhounds, I gather. I'm catching up on your blog. It's fun to see how Hera is made fitting in with the rest of the family.


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