Beautiful sights

Beautiful sights
Horses at blue water Lake state park

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Doggy Danger ...Part 3

Today Power had surgery to fix the tear in his skin.  While he was there I got out an old sweatshirt, cut the sleeves off, and made a strap to tie over his hips .  When I went to the Vet's office to pick him up, he was still sleepy, and yet he was able to walk with a bit of help.  He had a rather vacant look in his eyes!  The vet lifted him into my car, but when I got home to the motorhome, my friend Carol came over to help me get him out of the car and into the motorhome.  I did most of the lifting, but needed help holding doors, leashes, etc.  Power was a real sweety.  He didn't make things more difficult by screaming, kicking, biting, or collapsing.  I've had other dogs do those things.

After getting him inside, I put his sweatshirt pants on him and he tolerated them well.

I hoped that the strap over the back would keep them from sliding off, but found that after about an hour he was having them slip.

Perhaps I will be able to keep them up with a modification.


  1. Oh, dear, poor little Power. He's such a sweetie. And you are right, his masculinity doesn't suffer at all in the pink pants. :) I hope he feels better and heals very soon. Quite stressful for you, I'm sure. Thanks for the photo, they made me smile.

  2. They sure are cute and a good idea. You'll have to keep us updated both on Power and the pants. Hope he heals up quickly. Hugs

  3. That is a genius invention you made there. I sure hope he heals quick for you. Tell him Cooper and Effie send Get Well Wishes:-)

  4. So glad Power is home. Would it be a good idea when you are with him. to leave thevery inventive chaps (sorry but they look like them:)), off. Neither of my Greys ever had a go at stitches.

    Well you all take care.

  5. That's priceless! Did it have to be pink? Hahahahaha!!


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